Coline Witt

Coline Witt

Coline Witt, the creator, executive producer and on-air host of Eating While Broke, was born in Brooklyn, New York and raised in a biracial family of artists. As a pre-teen, she gained her first exposure as an entertainer being a member of her family’s band which played as part of the MTA’s Music Under New York program in the subway.

Over time, her family moved to upstate New York, where she assisted her mother and father in their successful weekly newspaper, The Young Sport, covering local sports from Little League and Pop Warner up to high school.

Coline’s first try at business was a piggy bank company at the age of 19. At 20, she began working with delinquent teens, which led to her creation of Celebrity High (CH), a glossy monthly magazine written for and by teens, and distributed directly on school grounds in the L.A. market. CH’s content included sports, academics, fashion, entertainment, and community. The focal point was teen-written exclusive interviews with President Barack Obama on down to pop stars. Nick Cannon partnered with Coline on the magazine and was CEO from 2006-2015. Besides being distributed to over 85 high school campuses in the L.A. market, CH launched a Celebrity High News TV show on LA Transit TV to over 1.2 million viewers riding the city’s bus and subway system every day.

Coline transitioned to focus on running events after having success running Celebrity High tours of local high schools featuring up-and-coming musical and comedy guests. This led to her starting Witt Events focusing on events reaching low- and moderate-income individuals with an emphasis on financial literacy and entrepreneurship.

This led to Coline creating Famous Failures Productions and its first entertainment offering, Eating While Broke, a video/audio podcast telling the rags-to-riches stories of famous people and how they got to where they are over a meal they once ate when they were broke.

Executive produced by Charlemagne Tha God and broadcast exclusively on iHeart radio, under the Black Effect. Eating While Broke has already interviewed a number of social media influencers, hip hop stars, producers, athletes and entrepreneurs with a growing line-up of celebrity guests in the wing

The demographic for Eating while Broke is anybody who enjoys laughing and learning over food, and who has ever had dreams and needs inspiration to pursue them.

There’s nobody better to bring out these stories than Coline Witt, a Famous Failure herself, out to show the world excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction, skillful execution and the vision to see obstacles as opportunities.